Posted by Richard J. Garrish, Media & Production Specialist, on January 30, 2022.
Last updated: February 16, 2022
Church Calendars
This article will describe how Restoration wants to run the calendars as well as how to share it with your teams. Restoration Calendars are administered, accessed, and edited with and are delegated to departments.
It is the job of the Media & Production Specialist to create new calendars.
The department calendars are administered by the following:
Restoration PCA (Main) - Steve Wilson, Richard Garrish
Children’s Ministry - Rachel Lamb, Richard Garrish
Hospitality - Sherrie Strain, Richard Garrish
Worship Rotation - Adelina DiGiacomo, Richard Garrish
Worship Service Leader - Steve Wilson, Richard Garrish
Individual departments are responsible for updating and keeping their calendar accurate as well as sharing it to their teams. The Media & Production Specialist is listed as an administrator alongside the department representative in case there are problems but they are all the primary of their own department calendar.
In order to keep the calendar entries consistent for easy readability and detail it is important to keep a standardized format. As an example, visit and go to Sunday, February 6, 2022. On this particular Sunday, all 6 calendars have an example of the formatting for what each calendar entry should look like.
Make sure the times are correct for your entry. Officially, Worship practice starts at 9:15AM, Doors open at 9:55AM, Stream starts at 10:10AM, and the Sunday Morning Service starts at 10:15AM. Unofficially, church service ends at 11:30AM
Make sure the locations are correct for your entry. List the room name not the church’s address. That can be typed into the location entry. For example, The Sanctuary, or Fellowship Hall, or Conference Room.
DO NOT use all day events
If your teams would like to have their associated calendars in their gmail calendar you can go to the sharing settings and add them, but do not give them editing or sharing control, just viewing.
Let the Media & Production Specialist know when events are added
This is the only truly public facing calendar, be very detailed with information posted and make sure it is accurate and well formatted
If the Children’s Ministry Coordinator were to want to make an event, they can put it in the children’s ministry calendar and then tell the Media & Production Specialist to move it to Main so that it will become publicly available.
For the Sunday school formatting… “Teacher: First Last, Helper: First Last”
For the Nursery formatting… “Nursery: First Last”
In the past there have been helpers for nursery as well, if that’s the case you can put “, Helper: First Last” Just make sure you don’t forget the comma
Waiting for information from Hospitality Coordinator
For the formatting… “null”
Worship Rotation:
For the formatting… “Music Director - Instrument, Musician - Instrument”
Start with the Music Director
There is only 1 listed in this example, but add as many Musicians as there will be that week
Sort by Musician not by instrument, this way when your team comes to the calendar, they only need to find their name once to determine their responsibilities that week
For the formatting… “Leader: First Last, Preacher: First Last”
Currently the start time is at 9:40am, we want the service leader and preacher on site for sound checks before doors open at 9:55am
You can view your calendar, and all the other calendars at
The only calendar you can’t see from that view is the Main calendar, which only has events not volunteer responsibilities. You can view that calendar here…
You can share you your calendars to your teams by sending them this link…
This works great because they can check the website at any time. The calendars are all linked on the web page and get updated live.
An example for sending out a calendar could looks something like this:
Hello Team,
I have just updated the responsibilities for the next 3 months.
Please view the link below and let me know if this rotation works for your schedules.
If members of your team would like to have these calendars syncing with their personal google calendars, you can share it out with them. Only give them “See all event details” permissions. If you need help or don’t know how to share out a calendar to another google account please reach out to the Media & Production Specialist.