Posted by Richard J. Garrish, Volunteer, on July 28, 2022.
Last updated: July 28, 2022
Adding Sermon Notes
This article is a step by step guide, with pictures, to help with updating the Sermon Notes page for Sunday mornings.
The Sermon Notes page is designed to offer at PDF version of the notes to viewers of the live stream and to congregants in person who wish to have a digital copy. We use PDF format so that it is most compatible with all viewers regardless of operating system or applications they have access to.
The sermon notes page is located privately at
Access can also be found by going to the “Sunday Service” page and clicking the “Sermon Notes” button.
Edit in Squarespace
Once you have your PDF document ready to be uploaded, visit dashboard to begin. The church uses Squarespace to manage the website. Credentials can be found by talking to Bob Musgrave.
Navigate to the church webpage editor. Start by going to your Squarespace dashboard, click on the circle with your account initials in the top right corner (Fig. 1). Click the “Account Dashboard” button, this will lead you to the list of websites you manage (Fig. 2). Find the Restoration Presbyterian Church webpage. You can click any of the 3 main areas to open up the editor (Fig. 3). On the left side of the browser window there is a navigator. The first option should be “Pages”, click it. (Fig. 4). Scroll down in the “Pages” menu to “Sermon Notes”, click it (Fig. 5).
Now that you are on the correct page, you will want to select the “Edit” button from the top menu on the “Sermon Notes” page (Fig. 6). Click the “+” button to add an element to the page (Fig. 7). Locate the “Button” option, and drag it to the top of the page (Fig. 8)
Edit the button by clicking on the item block space of the button and choosing the pencil icon (Fig. 9). Name the button after the day and the sermon title using the “Month DD, YYYY - Sermon Title” format. Then click the gear icon to link the PDF file (Fig. 10). Select “File” from the side menu (Fig. 11). Scroll down and choose “Upload File” (Fig. 12). You will need to navigate to the PDF file you are trying to link, and then upload it.
To finish, save your work by clicking “Save” in the popup window, and then “Save” again on the page editor. Verify your work by visiting the Sermon Notes page on the public side.