Our Procedures
We’re excited to be worshiping in person! This page will guide you through what you need to know to worship with us. However, if you are part of the vulnerable population, we strongly encourage you to take the necessary precaution. We will be live-streaming our services for those who are unable or uncomfortable returning.
For families visiting with us for worship, we are endeavoring to safely provide nursery and Children’s Church. If you’re planning to visit with children, we’d love to prepare for your visit to make things as safe and easy as possible for you!
As with everything related to the virus, we intend to continue to watch the numbers of new and active cases in our region to adjust the plans as needed.
Procedures for In-Person Services:
Masks are not currently required. We have extra masks available upon entrance as well as hand sanitizer.
Worship will be touch-free. Everything you need for the service will be projected. There won’t be any hymnals or bibles at the chairs but a bible can be requested.
The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated the third Sunday of the month, and will be distributed by having rows come forward to receive prepackaged elements. Regular, unpackaged elements are available as well as gluten free.
Precautions We’re Asking You to Take:
Please make wise decisions based on your own health.
Please respect the decisions that others are making regarding their own health.